5 Very Effective Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Stress and Anxiety :

The use of Plant and plant-based oils has been practiced since the dawn of time. In Modern times use of essential oils is becoming

more and more popular as a natural alternative.

Today I am sharing with you 5 Very Effective Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Stress ...

As we all know that stress is caused by some sort of negative situation and although essential oils can not magically make a situation disappear,

one may benefit from relaxation effects that aromatherapy offer.

Some of the most popular essential oils used to combat stress are LAVENDER, GERANIUM , JASMINE, ROSE, FRANKINCENSE and CITRUS OILS .

The 5 “stress-away recipes” below for you to try in your home diffuser are as follow

1) Blend #1: Lavender, Frankincense, & Orange

  • 2 Drop lavender
  • 1 Drop Frankincense
  • 2 Drop Orange 

Lavender has a very calming & relaxing scent which may be helpful in both physical and emotional balancing.

Frankincense is a great oil that may help lift the spirits and improve attitude.

Orange immediately uplifts the mood

2) Blend #2: Lavender, Lemon and Clary Sage Oil

  • 3 drops Clary Sage Oil
  • 1 drop Lemon Oil
  • 1 drop Lavender Oil

Clary Sage lowers the stress hormone, cortisol, and induces feelings of confidence and pleasure.

Lemon Oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, anxiety, exhaustion, nervousness, and nervous tension

3) Blend #3: Lavender, Chamomile, & Ylang Ylang

  • 2 Drop lavender
  • 2 Drop Chamomile
  • 1 Drop Ylang Ylang

Chamomile has a calming scent that may help ease anxiety and restlessness. For many years, mothers have had success using chamomile for calming little ones.

The influence of Ylang Ylang (“flower of flowers”) may help derail tendencies toward anger & help set aside negative energy. This possibly eases anxiety and depression.

4) Blend #4 Bergamot, Geranium and Frankincense Oil

  • 3 drops Bergamot Oil
  • 1 drop Geranium Oil
  • 1 drop Frankincense Oil

Bergamot oil helps lift my mood almost immediately. This is another citrus oil that has been used for hundreds of years for it’s medicinal benefits.

Geranium sweet-smelling oil can uplift your mood, lessen fatigue and promote emotional wellness.

5) Blend #5 Bergamot, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang

  • 2 Drop Bergamot
  • 2 Drop Patchouli
  • 1 Drop YlangYlang

Patchouli Oil has a relaxing effect. It give though clarity and mental relaxation.


Select one of the blends shown above and release your stress immediately.

Note : Any scented product, including essential oils, can be an irritate if it is inhaled. Take very small amount of essential oil. The usual amount of water held by a diffuser is 100ml, and typically it is recommended to add 3-5 dropsof essential oil per 100ml of water.